If you are a designer, builder, tradesperson or homeowner then you cannot build or renovate a house without first reading this book. It will equip you with the knowledge and tools to confidently make sound and sustainable choices based on science and experience.

Written by 35 of Australia's leading thinkers and practitioners of sustainable design and building -
EDITOR: Dick Clarke, Envirotecture
Dick is an award-winning building designer and writer with a passion for achieving a sustainable future through good design. His extensive knowledge provided solid grounding for the researching and writing of the text.
PUBLISHER: Carolen Barripp, CL Creations Pty Ltd
Alan Pears AM, RMIT; Scientia Professor Dr Deo Prasad AO, CRC for Low Carbon Living;
CONTRIBUTORS: Tim Adams, F2 Design; Michael Ambrose, CSIRO; David Baggs, Global GreenTag; Melissa Bright, MAKE architecture; James Cooper, Sanctum Design; Neville Cowland, NOWarchitecture; Dr Robert Crawford, The University of Melbourne; Malay Dave, UNSW; Tom Dobbie, UNSW; Dr Suzanne Grob, procureability; Dr Dominique Hes, The University of Melbourne; Bernard Hockings, Professional builder; Nigel Howard, Clarity Environment; Cathy Inglis, Brickworks Building Products; Trevor King, Trevor King Conservation Planning and Design; Chris Knierim, Designer Constructions Group Pty Ltd and Code Green Pty Ltd; Romilly Madew, Green Building Council of Australia; Klara Marosszeky, Australian Hemp Masonry Company; Kirsty Máté, University of Tasmania; .Anthony Milostic, James Hardie; Caroline Pidcock, Pidcock Architects; Rupert Posner, Good Environmental Choice Australia; Dr Chris Reardon, Suntech Design; Craig Riddle, Living Green Designer Homes; Luigi Rosselli, Luigi Rosselli Architects; Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla, UNSW; Jeremy Spencer, Positive Footprints; Lucy Sharman, City of Sydney Council; Dr Heber Sugo, University of Newcastle; Johan Tijssen, Hempcrete Australia; Reece Turner, Greenpeace Australia Pacific; Tone Wheeler, Environa Studio.
Note: At time of publication, our authors held the positions as above
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